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Software of the month:
Ad-Aware from Lavasoft is a pretty good tool to remove adware. It is a must run after each browsing session. What makes it attractive is that it is free


Who is a Hacker?
A person who possesses a superior knowledge of anything that has to do with computers and the internet is a hacker. A hacker has the ability to manipulate everything that he knows, meaning he can create, destroy, take apart, and put things back together. You can find hackers all over the place in the computer world, they make up about 95% of the high tech industry there the one's that get hired for computer, network, security, and internet related jobs.

What do I need to become a hacker?

Well first of all you'll need to have the will to learn, are you willing to donate most of your life to computers and learn as much as possible?... well then good, here are some good outlines for you to follow. first of all you'll need to learn what a computer and the internet is, a computer is a revolutional machine that change the course of history, it has a massive calculating power, that enables it to run multiple application and tasks at once, a computer has many parts to it and they are the processor, Hard drive, RAM, Mother board, Video and sound card, network card, disk drive, and modem. The internet, what is the internet? The internet is the largest network in the world, the network is made up of all the computers and servers in the world, with the help of ISP’s (internet service providers) they connect all of them together.

What will I need to learn?

well that depends in what direction you want to go in, you could be a programmer, web designer, webmaster, graphics artist, computer engineer, and the list goes on, for instance if you want to be a programmer you need to learn C languages like Perl, C++, PHP, python and all the other important one's, if you want to be a web designer you should learn html, java, and flash, you get the idea.

How do I learn?

Well reading and self teaching will be the best way. Anyway I suggest going to places like chapters or any other book store and buying books on your interests, also going to places like future shop, and buying the software you'll need like compilers, OS's, or whatever it is you need. Just ask someone there for help.